ASDE Samples

ASDE Survey Sampler takes great pride in the quality of its services and products. We offer a wide variety of samples and related services to survey specialists.

Sampling Software

Sampling Software

 ASDE Sampling Software – US and Canada 


Our software services can meet your in-house sampling requirements:

1) Software for RDD and Listed (telephone directory) samples 

  • has scientifically proven RDD methodology
  • accommodates custom sampling frames
  • is available for the United States and Canada
  • offers unlimited samples and user licenses for a fixed monthly price
  • includes complete semi-annual updating of all sampling frames and phone book listing information
  • provides on-going customer support for the duration of the service agreement
  • generates samples at a fraction of the cost and within a reduced time frame
  • manages exclusion lists
  • generates samples at a speed of up to 3000 records per minute
  • generates samples from geo areas as small as zip code (zip5) in US or census division in Canada
  • offers flexible output formats
  • provides complete geographical and demographical data with samples
  • fully geo-codes all samples records
  • provides names and addresses for listed phone numbers
  • does not meter, which allows you to test at will and be certain your sample is the best for your research project. Generate all the numbers you want while planning your project


2) Software for Cell Phone samples

  • generates random samples created from list of existing cell phone dedicated exchanges
  • offers two pricing tiers; entry level for lower usage and top level for higher volume


3) Software for Hispanic Ethnic samples 

  • targets Hispanic population segment in the US market
  • provides Directory Listed samples (telephone directory records) based on Hispanic surnames
  • offers unlimited samples and user licenses for a fixed monthly price
  • for more details please refer to the PDF document in the Resources section on this same page


These telephone sampling tools have been used by an impressive list of professional survey and research firms across North America. Our clients know that no other automated sampling tool, web based or other, can compare with ours for accuracy, speed, reliability and price.

Contact us today to order your software and/or arrange a live demonstration!

Our guarantee is simple – the software works or we provide the sample for free.