List matching and other services

Enhance your samples or lists by adding phone numbers to names and addresses, or the reverse, adding names and addresses to phone numbers.



By geo-coding your sample you can reduce costs and complete your research projects or survey project faster. Geo-coding means adding geographical information to records. Geo-coding lists of respondents or phone numbers can, in some cases, allow you to cross-tabulate survey responses based on a variety of geographical areas with a high degree of accuracy. We can identify and remove out-of-geography numbers from your phone lists before going to the field. This can reduce the number of non-productive calls.


You can order standard geo-codes for any list of US or Canadian phone numbers. Geo-codes are appended to each record on the sample list based on phone listing information or based on probable location information added by our system.
The codes are obtained from a variety of official sources such as the US or Canadian Census Bureau, the US or Canadian Postal Service, as well as other sources. We have cross-referenced these databases with phone number databases to create an extremely accurate and up-to-date matching system.


Standard Codes


The following standard geo-codes are provided: 



United States


Region Code (5)
Division Code (9)
ZIP Code
Congressional Districts
Province, Territory or Regions
Economic Regions (ER)
Census Metropolitan Areas (CMA)
Census Agglomerations (CA)
Census Divisions
Federal Electoral Districts



We can geo-code using a number of non-standard codes, based on your specific geo-coding requirements.


Contact us today to place your order!