Random Digit Dial Samples (RDD)
ASDE Survey Sampler can provide you with traditional RDD samples or our own enhanced and certified version of RDD methodology.
Traditional method
Simply put, the traditional method for generating RDD samples consists of randomly generating phone numbers within all working banks of 100 sequential phone numbers without regard to whether the number is in service, listed or is a commercial number. This method, in its pure form, provides the most accurate way to represent all demographic groups within a target area but can be very inefficient geographically and will not provide good connection rates.
ASDE Enhanced method
Our enhanced methodology provides, without compromise, all the statistical advantages of a traditional RDD sample and the practical advantages of a listed general phone sample. This is achieved by applying the following processes during the generating process.
1. Retrieving phonebook listing data when available (listed numbers) and replacing any number that can be positively identified as out of the area, or as belonging to a business.
2. Providing you with a connection probability for all numbers not found in the phonebook (non listed numbers).
3. Providing full geocoding for every record in the sample.
These three steps allow you to decide which numbers to call and which to eliminate before using up expensive phone center resources. These choices can be made prior to placing the order so you only pay for the numbers you plan to dial or that have a known chance of connecting to a qualified respondent.
For more details on our RDD Enhanced methodology please refer to the PDF document in the Resources section on this same page.
As with all our phone sampling, prices and turnaround time are the best in the industry. You can test us with our Free Trial offer – see link in the Resources section on this same page.
Contact us today to order your sample!
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